Glory to Glory

2 Corinthians 3:18 (GBMV)
But all of us, with unveiled face [continually] looking at the reflection of the glory of the Lord, are [continually] changing [metamorphoo] into the same image from one [level of] glory into another [level of] glory, just like the glory that comes from the Spirit of the

Me Alone

Lately, I have experienced a lot of losses. First came sickness where I went to the doctor and I had to receive a breathing treatment because my lungs were blocked.

I was placed on steroids to strengthen my body and strengthen my lungs so that I wouldn’t need any more treatments.

Then upon leaving the doctor’s office my daughter and I were driving on the interstate. It was drizzling rain and bumper-to-bumper traffic. Before we could move along, a big white truck possibly a Ford F150, hit us from behind.

Our car was stuck in the far left lane, but thankfully didn’t move any further and hit the wall in the middle. Although we were left in pain and in a car that wouldn’t move.

See, in America, they want you to move all accidents to the right of the road and off the highway for safety but it wasn’t possible for us. We had to be towed away by a flatbed truck.

Talk about riding high like royalty driven by the horses in front of you. Just kidding but it’s a thought.

Anyway, We went to the doctor again but this time it was in the emergency room. We had experienced whiplash and acute concussions.

Now we’re on more medications including steroids, muscle relaxers, and others for pain. To add to that we are now experiencing brain fog, weariness, and depression plus our bodies are throbbing and in aching pain.

My Covering

So the first thing I do is reach out to my spiritual parents Apostle Les and Apostle Daphne. Dad always starts with his talk and his experiences and ways that he and I can relate to each other’s situation. Mom always stands in agreement and prays. We have a little ministry time, we have prayer and we have encouragement. Always a powerful time.

The biggest take from it was to speak life and to stay encouraged, Faith moves God. Look for the blessings and the miracle to come out of it! We are standing with you believing for a miracle.

More Challenges

So fast-forward two weeks later while things are beginning to become better, there are still some issues that are trying to arise. The car was a total loss. So I have to find another car. Meanwhile, my finances are being hit hard.

And on top of that, I can’t work because my job calls for me to do physical labor. I can’t do physical labor because of the pain that my body is experiencing and because of the medications that I’m on.

My Experience

While still through this, I’m still praising God!

A couple of people told me that they couldn’t see how my spirits were up with all that I had going on. And honestly, the old me would be in the bed down and out not knowing how I’m gonna fix this.

But because of some recent life experiences, I’m learning to praise Jesus, speak life, and trust Him for what I asked for.

Plus seeing that I have had victory in the past while doing this helps me continue to speak life, believe for, and trust that the blessings are coming. Continue to praise regardless of what I see and how I feel.

At this moment I’m speaking and texting on a phone that has SOS on it because it’s not working. Haha, Satan is trying his best. But we are victorious in Jesus!

My God

So this morning while in worship I heard the Lord say glory to glory and I went and found the scripture 2 Corinthians 3:18.

I noticed that glory to glory comes from me spending time with God, in His face, as I see Him and I know Him it changes my face. It changes me, from glory to glory and sadly when I’m doing fine I’m not here. I’m not with Him!

But when things are hard, I’m here seeking His face daily.

Now it’s been about two weeks that I have spent time with Him daily and throughout the day.

In The Lord showing me this scripture I believe that He was letting me know that by doing this I was going from glory to glory in Him. And this is what people are seeing regardless of what I’m going through and how I feel. So I thanked The Lord for His word this morning and began to make my day. Believing for the best!

My Plea

I just want to invite you to spend time with God. Spend time in His presence no matter what you’re going through. Get up and talk to Him regardless of what’s going on. Seek Him, probably easier with your eyes closed, and know that He is real. Believe that whatever you ask for will come to pass. This will help build your faith. Trust God and you will move from glory to glory. You will not only be blessed, but you’ll be able to bless others.

5 thoughts on “Glory to Glory”

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Surely the enemy is not happy because he hates God’s creaction, particularly the saints of God. The Bible records that through out the world, we are going through the same kind of sufferings , and it says that we should stand our ground.It says he acts like a lion, even though it’s not a lion, seeking someone to destroy, but he is too late because you are under His wings of protection.

    I am glad you didn’t give up your faith in Him. The enemy uses intimidation as his last kicks.
    The Lord is with you my sister, and I pray that you be strengthened and invigorated in your inner man.
    The Lord Has divinely protected you, and will continue to strengthen His protection upon you by His angels.
    I pray that your healing speeds up, so you can be effective in serving Him and His people.

    I stand in agreement for your divine healing, and perfection of every part of your body in Jesus name.

    Continue to declare His word, and very soon everything concerning you will be perfected.
    Just find peace and rest in Him as Mark taught in his latest article.

    1. Ricks. This is very encouraging. This is not easy but it is the only way for me to make it through it all. Trusting God. I’ve been down so many times before and He as well as my community (sisters and brothers in Christ) were the only things to help me back up. Even your feedback is helping me to press forward! Thanks so much my brother.

  2. First, I love how you write. Second, this is so encouraging and my spirit soared, I could “see” the victory in you. Because you found His presence in hard times and persevered in Him in the face of that adversity, I say you have found a new level in Him. A new glory. This is a wonderful article and it is anointed. Because it is real and you are genuine. Thank you, Nakia. Your overcoming has inspired me.
    Thank you for the blessing,

    1. Mark, I thank God for you! You’re a true blessing in so many ways. I’m using the technique of speaking my story out loud, using the dictation and then just going in and fixing the grammar. It has been so helpful for me because my writing was short otherwise and I couldn’t figure out what to say, how to begin and where to end. It also encourages me that you find it anointing. I truly want to bless others in being a willing vessel and voice for The Lord! I’m so encouraged. Thank you!

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